Hope this spawns some curiosity about the furture of what is capable of being accomplished with FSX if you dont let "THAT CANT BE DONE" enter your mindset. Hey,guys.Please help me,I need fsx vrs tacpack,Where could I find itThanks workerbee edited 05:43 am this post because: Do NOT create multiple request threads when one already exists. No this is not incomprehensible babble, these are actual things that are available and is going to be coming to the public very soon, as it is in closed beta testing at this time. Superbug 1.6 for P3D v4 OR v5: Superbug upgrades to 1.6 for P3D v4 OR v5 are offered at no charge. Secondly you should be aware that to load a scenario you need to go into the Add On’s menu Tacpack Misc (VRS MISC) Debug Load Scenario option and then select the file. tps file format is a text based one, so what you see here what is in the file itself. From your Customer Portal, press the Renewals & Upgrades link. First off you should understand that the.

If you think that combat flight sims are great, with the release of coming pretty soon, being able to have a server run a full blown campaign is a reality, A complete air and ground war, set in a multiplayer environment. TacPack 1.6 for P3D v5: For customers who wish to migrate their P3D v4 license to P3D v5 Academic, upgrade pricing with active maintenance is 29.90 USD (reg 59.95 USD). I was just wondering how many people are actually aware of what the tac-pack is, what it does, and that there are already several planes that are tac-pack ready (dinos t-45, f-14, F-35, S-3 viking, as well as aerosofts f-14, the IRIS a-10 warthog driver II, and metal2mesh Mirage 2000) Does anyone else have the vrs fa-18 superbug and tacpack? I know it wont install at this time, and i am fine with that for the time being, I am aware that VRS is currently working on other issues related to the "F" model i believe, as well as the p3d version of the bug.