The IP address of the PC you are using will be displayed.if that does not work then try winipcfg.In the DOS Prompt window, type the command ipconfig /all.The Media Access Control (MAC) address is a unique 12-character identifier (e.g. Click Start the start button and type cmd into the search box. How do I find my MAC or IP address Overview.Open Wi-Fi setting For Ethernet connection Select Start > Settings > Network & internet > Ethernet. Under Properties, look for your IP address listed next to IPv4 address. Look for the Default Gateway line to find the IP address. Type ipconfig (Windows) or ifconfig (for Mac and Linux) and press Enter. Open the Windows Command Prompt, the Linux Terminal, or the Terminal on Mac. This command shows you the list of interfaces along with their IP and MAC addresses (the latter one only if applicable). Type in getmac /v /fo list in the window that appears. The following window will appear: Fill in cmd and press OK. It is sometimes called the Physical address and takes the form of six sets of two characters separated by colons or dashes, such as:Īb-09-c4-37-71-da To find these addresses on Windows: Select Start > Settings > Network & internet > Wi-Fi and then select the Wi-Fi network you're connected to. Connect your computer to your modem (or a router connected to the modem) using an Ethernet cable. For all Windows systems you can also find your MAC address by following these steps: Press your Windows key and r at the same time.

The MAC address (MAC in this case stands for Media Access Controller) is a number which is unique to your computer. The IP address (IP means Internet Protocol) can change every time you connect to a network and is presented as a short series of numbers separated by dots, for example: These are two settings which help networks to identify your computer. 981What is my IP address or MAC address and how do I find it?